September 3, 2021 to October 1, 2021. 11:30AM Mountain Time. A 5-week Group intensive based on the Four Directions of the Jicarilla Apache. Using the 4 directions as our doorways, you will enter an imaginal and transformative process based in Myth and Deep Imagery to...
A SIX MONTH MENTORING PROCESS USING MYTH AND IMAGERY TO ENGAGE YOUR INNER WISDOM A program for Winter 2021 What is the awakening that is waiting to happen in me? Twelve 60-80 minute individual Mythic Mentoring sessions, set at your own pacing during the 6 month...
November, historically, is a time to remember our ancestors and to engage with any healing our relationship with them needs. Families carry histories, traumas, cultural ideas; they carry stories of joys and fears, of what is correct and what is taboo. We are...
Image Source: Galleria Borghese, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons This text is taken from the transcript of an interview I did for Maitrea, Prague, in 2018. Apologies in advance for any typos! What can one...
Forgiveness, Healing and the Deep Imagination – by Mary Diggin Published in Imaginews, the Imagery International journal, Dec 2014. In Latin, īgnōscō, the word we translate as forgiven, means to not know. It implies that once something is forgiven, it is no longer...