Shadow and the Personal Totem Pole Process

Shadow and the Personal Totem Pole Process

originally published on What is “shadow?” Shadow is a term used in Jungian Depth psychology to name in a collective way, all those parts of ourselves that we are either not aware of...

Imagery and The Personal Totem Pole Process

Mary has worked with the Personal Totem Pole Process as a means of accessing the deep imagination for over 20 years and is a certified trainer with the IIVR. Her particular interests are in the intersection between myth, storytelling, ritual and deep imagery as well...

Sweat Lodge

Sweating rituals have a long and sacred tradition as a healing ceremony in many cultures. The forms we are most familiar with today are those that have been preserved by in Native American traditions. Mary was taught to pour water by Felipe Ortega, a Jicarilla Apache...

Micaceous Pottery

Pottery I love micaceous clay pottery. Micaceous clay is a clay that naturally contains a high propotion of mica. Mica is a great natural conductor of heat & as a result, allows micaceous cookware to hold heat extremely well. The local Pueblos & native peoples...
What is deep imagery?

What is deep imagery?

Deep Imagery/Personal Totem Pole Process (PTPP) is not the type of imagery work often referred to as “visualization” whereby a guide is expected to lead the person undertaking the imagery work, down a fairly set path, with a prescribed goal in mind. That is, it is not...