Mary Diggin, Ph.D., is a cultural mythologist, Deep Imagery Trainer, Mythic Mentor©, and Transformation Life Coach. With over two decades of experience, Mary facilitates Deep Imagery workshops worldwide and provides individual guidance through imagery techniques. Mary is a trainer and Deep Imagery Guide with the International Institute for Visualization Research and runs the online Deep Imagery certification course. Her workshops often integrate aspects of myth, culture, and deep imagery. Recognized for her contributions, Mary was named the 2018 Imagery Person of the Year by Imagery International. and
Mary Diggin Ph.D is a cultural mythologist, with a Ph.D. from Pacifica Graduate Institute. Her research interests center around myth and religion, cultural (collective) memory and identity. She is particularly interested in mythic/religious tropes that influence societies and cultures over the longue durée.
She explores mythology as a metaphorical and narrative tool, a means of mythopoetic engagement, which provides individuals and societies a way by which they articulate about themselves and about the social world in which they exist. Myths can be seen as extended metaphors which allow us to imagine and re-imagine what is happening, and to open new possibilities by a creative engagement with images in myth.
Born in Ireland, she moved to New Mexico in 1998, where she lives with her husband, E.S. Gallegos on the Rio Grande, in the Embudo area where they run Deep Imagery workshops and also work with people on an individual basis through Imagery.
Deep Imagery
She is also an IIVR certified trainer and Deep Imagery Guide. Mary is the developer of the Online, distance learning Deep Imagery certification course. (’s deep imagery workshops often reflect her interest in myth and culture and her passionate understanding of the deep imagination as a powerful holistic means of accessing our inner world and building relationship with what we may call the outer world. She received the 2018 Imagery Person of the Year for her work with Imagery from Imagery International.
Mary has worked with Deep Imagery and the Personal Totem Pole process for over 20 years, leading trainings and workshops as well as working with individuals. Mary completed her Ph.D. in Mythological studies with an Emphasis in Depth Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute.
Her Ph.D. dissertation was entitled “Pure Blood and Malleable Bodies:
Myth-symbol complexes, Hispanic New Mexican Identity Narratives and the Penitentes”
Her undergraduate work was in Education (B. Ed. from Mary Immaculate College, Ireland) and Religious studies (Diploma in Religious Education from the Mount Oliver Institute).
Mary also completed an apprenticeship with Jicarilla Apache medicine man, Felipe Ortega, from whom she learnt how to lead sweat lodges and about Jicarilla healing traditions.
She also trained in massage, web and graphic design and works as a micaceous clay potter, writer and Sweat Lodge Water Pourer. She is fortunate to be able to fully pursue her many interests in Northern New Mexico . Mary is available to lead workshops and to work with individuals.
Mary Diggin, Ph.D.
P.O. Box 468, Velarde NM 87582
Tel: 505-852-4897
Ph.D. in Mythological Studies with a degree emphasis in Depth Psychology.
Dissertation Research Topic: A post-modern exploration of the Penitente Tradition.
Pacifica Graduate Institute. Carpinteria, CA. November 2016
M.A. in Mythological Studies with a degree emphasis in Depth Psychology.
Pacifica Graduate Institute. Carpinteria, CA. October 2011
B.Ed. Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland. July 1987
UNMLA/UNMT Taos. Various courses taken towards Diploma in Digital Media Arts. 2004-2006
Diploma In Religious Education, Mount Oliver Institute, Dundalk, Ireland. 1988-1989
Certificate in Personal Management, University of Limerick. 1990-1991
Deep Imagery Guide, certified by International Institute of Visualization Research. 1995-1997
ITEC Certificate in Anatomy & Physiology, B.E.A.M.S. Holistic Therapy College. 1996-1997
Certification as massage therapist, Connemara College of Natural Healing, Ireland. 1996-1997
While my main area of research is in the field of mythology & Cultural mythopoetics, I am interested in cross-cultural studies, imaginative psychology and religion. With that in mind, I have worked with a Penitente group in NM and researched links between Late European Alchemy and the Religious imagery in the alabados. I have also extensively researched both the Irish and African Diasporas, Celtic myth and history and Jicarilla Apache traditions.
Teach: Distance Learning Course in Core Curriculum Training in Deep Imagery 2017
Teach: 3 year Core Curriculum Training in Deep Imagery, Ishøj, Denmark. 2011-2015
Teach: HTML and the use of Content Management systems to clients. 2004-present
Teach: workshops/individual lessons in making Micaceous Pottery in the Jicarilla tradition. 2004-present
Teach: workshops for adults in the areas of Mythology, Imagination and Psychology. 1995-present
Taught Computers for Teachers evening classes for the Irish National Teachers Organization. 1997
Taught various Elementary schools and Special Education positions in Ireland. 1987-1998
- Board Member, Imagery International, 2015-2021
- President, Imagery International, Oct 2016-2019
- Creator/Developer of Online Deep Imagery Training Program, 2017-present.
- Web contractor, Regional Development Corporation, Española, NM. 2008-2013
- Executive Director, International Institute for Visualization Research. 2005-present
- Self Employed Website & Graphic designer. 2004-present
- Assistant Director Moon Bear Press. 1999-present
- A contractor with NM Jumpstart Program, designing websites and teaching HTML and the use of Content Management systems to clients. 2006-2009
- Office Manager Taos Plaza Theater. 2003-2004
- Youth Worker, Limerick, Ireland. 1991-1993
- Various Elementary school and Special Education positions in Ireland. 1987-1998
- Various Adult Literacy education classes. 1987-1998
Software Expertise: Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver.
Content Management Systems: CMSMS, DotNetNuke, Typo3
Familiar with HTML, CSS, Javascript and can edit PHP.
Over the last number of years, I have taught many individuals and small groups how a number of computer-based mini-courses under three main areas: Webpage management, Apple computers, and upgrading websites through specific Content Management Systems.
I have a long history of teaching computer-based classes. As far back as 1998, I taught an Irish National Teachers’ Organization (INTO) computer course, on a desktop publishing program suitable for elementary schools. As a result, I was chosen in 1999 by the INTO to teach computers to teachers nationwide, a position I declined because of my move to USA.
Series of articles on Imagery. ImagiNews, 2016-2020
“Nasty Women: Can the goddess and the hero work together?” Immanence. April 2017
“Imagination in Western Culture.” eTotempole, Journal of the IIVR. Forthcoming.
“Forgiveness, Healing and the Deep Imagination.” Imaginews, Imagery International Journal, Dec 2014.
Series of articles on life in NM. Garda Review Magazine. Dublin, Ireland. 2001-2005
The Celtic Year: Online 2017-2021
“Grieving with Gilgamesh, Demeter & Mis,”
Hosted by Maitrea, Prague, May 26, 2021. Online.
Irish Mythology -The Healing Well, Presented at the Deep Imagery Conference, hosted by Tiefen Imagination e.V., online, January 2021,
The Albuquerque Cuarto Centenario Memorial:Contestation and Dissent in New Mexico, Presented at the American Academy of Religion Annual Conference. December 2020
“Imagery as a way of Knowing.” Presented at the Imagery International Annual Conference, September 2019
“Dark Goddesses: Hecate, Kali, Lillith and Ereshkigal,”
Presented at Maitrea, Prague, April 2019.
“Pure Blood and Old Christians: The Retention of Penitential Traditions in New Mexico.” Presented at the American Academy of Religion Annual Conference. November 2018
“Dark Goddesses: Daphne, Tiamat, Demeter & the Morrigan,”
Presented at Maitrea, Prague, May 2018.
“Narratives of New Mexico Identity.” Presented at the Embudo Valley Library. November 2017.
“Narratives of New Mexico Identity.” Presented at Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumi Assoc, Santa Fe. September 2017.
“The Influence of Celtic myth on Irish Nationalist and Unionist Traditions.” Presented at Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumi Assoc, Santa Fe. September 2014.
“Penitente Religious Traditions.” Presentation Embudo, NM, during Holy Week, 2016.
“Damballah and Maman Brigitte: The Irish Influence on The Vodou Lwas.” Presented at the American Academy of Religion Annual Conference. November 2011
“Celtic Mythology.” Joseph Campbell Foundation/Ojai Foundation, Ojai. CA. March 2012
“The Irish Influence on The Vodou Lwas.” Dixon NM. October 2011
“The Celtic Brehon Laws.” Berea College, KY. May 2006
“Stories of Abuse: A Feminist Lens on Favored Stories.” Rape Crisis Center, Castlebar, Ireland. May 1997.
“The Marriage and Divorce laws in Brehon Ireland.” Pre-referendum Conference on Divorce. Castlebar, Ireland. March 1995.
Balor: The single eyed view that keeps us from Pharmakon in Between peer reviewed creative magazine of Pacifica Graduate Institute. 2012
Celtic Triptych in USA based travelling exhibition in support of Victims of Abuse. 1998- 2000
I completed an apprenticeship in Jicarilla Apache medicine with Medicine man, Felipe Ortega. I am a skilled micaceous clay potter, a craft I particularly enjoy.
Writing: I have a number of books in process, including preparing my dissertation “Pure Blood and Malleable Bodies: Myth-symbol complexes, Hispanic New Mexican Identity Narratives and the Penitentes,” for publication. I am also working on “Nasty Women, A Mythological Survival Guide, ” and “Remembering to Imagine: Restoring a soulful engagement in the world,” a non-fiction exploration of the mythopoetics of imagination.
I am also a skilled chef and mixed media artist.